Which content types do developers value?
In the dynamic realm of software development, with programming languages, frameworks, and tools evolving so quickly, understanding developers’ content consumption is more important than ever. This report explores the specific content preferences of software developers, focusing on areas such as learning, keeping up-to-date, problem-solving, research, and community engagement. Our aim is to provide you with the necessary tools and insights that you can use in the process of designing effective content, in order tofoster stronger, more productive relationships with this essential demographic, one content piece at a time.
About this Report
Preferences for learning, keeping up to date, problem-solving, and engaging with community
Key Questions Answered
How does the likelihood of using AI tools vary across developers with differing experience levels?
What are the common use cases for AI-assisted development tools?
How effective do developers perceive AI to be in accomplishing various tasks?
What are the key drivers and barriers that motivate and impede developers when incorporating AI tools into their workflow?
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This report is based on data collected from 17,000+ developers answering questions in the 25th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which was fielded between June and August 2023.