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Which technologies are used in AR and VR projects?

In this report, we investigate which technologies are utilised in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) development projects. In the first chapter, we look at the broad umbrella of technologies used by AR and VR practitioners, examining usage by which of the two development areas they’re involved in as well as other demographic data. In chapter two, we dive deeper into these technologies, understanding how usage changes based on what kinds of experiences developers are building. Chapter three takes a closer look at the platforms used by AR and VR practitioners as well as how the most important goals in AR and VR development shape AR and VR practitioners’ choice of platform to use. Finally, chapter four investigates which SDKs are used in AR and VR development projects, which coding languages are used, and which design tools are used.


About this Report

The SDKs, design tools, and technologies underpinning AR and VR software projects

Key Questions Answered

  • Which are the most popular technologies used in AR and VR development overall, and which technologies are used by professionals and amateurs?

  • How does AR and VR practitioners’ involvement in the sectors affect which technologies they select?

  • Which platforms are targeted by AR and VR practitioners?

  • Which challenges do AR and VR practitioners face when targeting different platforms?

  • Which AR and VR SDKs are most popular amongst AR and VR practitioners?

  • Which design and low-code experience building tools are used most?

  • Which programming languages are most popular in AR and VR development projects?

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The data in this report comes from the 27th edition of SlashData's Developer Nation survey, which was fielded between June and July 2024, reaching over 500 developers involved in AR and VR software projects.


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