Journey to cloud-native maturity
Measuring developer and organisation cloud-native maturity, in Q1 2024
About this Report
The report is based on data collected from over 1,500 self-identified professional backend developers in the 26th edition of our Developer Nation survey. The survey was fielded between November 2023 and February 2024.
Key Questions Answered
What is the current adoption of cloud-native technologies and processes?
How are organisations performing on developing a mature cloud-native culture?
What is the industry's level of maturity on processes and people-practices?
How does organisation size impact these maturities?
How does developer organisation size impact these maturities?
How does technology usage impact these maturities?
How can cloud-native vendors support customers on their journey to cloud-native maturity?
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In this report, we discuss where developers and organisations are on their journey towards cloud-native maturity. We look at the technologies, processes, and people-practices currently ongoing at cloud-native organisations, and from this derive a methodology for measuring maturity. We also offer suggestions for vendors in the cloud-native space to better understand and support their customers.