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Landscape of Web3 development

An overview of the current state of Web3 developers and the projects they are currently exploring


About this Report

This report is based on data collected from over 11,000 web and backend service developers who answered questions about their involvement in Web3 development projects in the 25th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which was fielded in Q3 2023.

Key Questions Answered

  • What proportion of developers are currently working on Web3 development projects?

  • What is the regional involvement in Web3 projects?

  • How does a developer's experience impact their involvement in Web3?

  • How does the industry a developer works in impact their involvement in Web3?

  • What are the most popular Web3 project types developers are working on?

  • Which project types are most popular around the world?

  • Which Web3 technologies are most popular?

  • How are the project types developer working on related to their technology choices?

  • What are the major challenges developers face? - Which regions are facing different challenges to others?

  • Which challenges are associated with different Web3 project types?

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The report explores the current engagement by web and backend service developers with Web3 development. The report explores the proportion of developers currently working on Web3 projects, and how this differs by regions and experience. It further looks into the projects Web3 developers are working on, the Web3 specific technologies they are using, as well as what the major challenges they face are.


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