About this Report
Data for this report comes from the 24th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which was fielded in Q1 2023, between December 2022 and February 2023. Around 17,000 developers told us about their experiences with integrating SSE principles into their development projects.
Key Questions Answered
Who uses sustainable software engineering (SSE) approaches?
Where are the global hotspots for SSE?
Which types of SSE approaches are used?
Which SSE principles are utilised by developers of different experience levels and in different regions?
What motivates developers to use different SSE approaches and principles?
How do developers’ motivations influence the types of SSE approaches they utilise?
Which challenges do developers face when implementing SSE approaches?
How do they challenges developers face change with their experience levels?

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Sustainable software engineering (SSE) is the practice of minimisingthe environmental cost of software. It is an emerging discipline at the intersection of climate science, software practices and architecture, electricity markets, hardware, and data centre design. In this report, we’ll look at which developers are involved in building sustainable software and which SSE principles are most commonly utilised. We’ll investigate how developers’ experience levels, location, and the size of the organisation they work for –amongst other factors –affect the rate at which they utilise SSE and which principles they most often adopt. Later, we’ll take a closer look at what motivates developers to utilise SSE principles, as well as which challenges they face in doing so. We’ll demonstrate how developers’ motivations and challenges change based on several different factors, such as their experience levels.