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How developers integrate generative AI into their apps

Approaches, use cases, challenges, and cloud services used


About this Report

While the idea of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is not new, a lot of progress has been made over the past few years that has made it highly desirable for both end users and software developers. The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the current state of integration of generative AI functionality by developers into their applications. We will begin by investigating the extent to which developers have started incorporating generative AI functionality into their applications, and how this differs across regions and companies of different sizes. Following this, we will explore the different methods developers use to integrate generative AI functionality into their applications, as well as the use cases they target and the challenges they are faced with. Finally, we will look at which fully-managed generative AI services are currently used the most by developers in this space.

Key Questions Answered

  • What affects developer productivity?

  • How do you measure developer productivity?

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This report is based on data collected from over 16,500 developers who answered questions about incorporating generative AI functionality into their applications in the 25th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which was fielded in Q3 2023.


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