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Dive into the trends

Developer Ecosystem Insights is a collection of reports, focused on analysing and sharing insights and trends across these development areas: Web apps, Mobile apps, Desktop apps, Cloud / backend services, AR/VR, Games, IoT, ML/AI & Data Science, Embedded software, Apps/extensions for 3rd-party platforms, DevOps and more!

3d design of a diver in a glass diving into the developer data
  • Who and where developers are

  • How to reach developers

  • What motivates developers

  • Developer communities

  • How they are expected to evolve.

Developer Ecosystem Insights offer key insights on:

The insights

top view of the 3d design of a diver in a glass diving into the developer data

What it answers

  • Developer Language usage and communities

  • Where developers go for information

  • What types of content do developers prefer

  • The landscape of a technology area (ie Blockchain)

  • Challenges/friction points in a specific technology area (ie Challenges in multi-cloud or Challenges in using 3rd party APIs)

  • Population sizing

SlashData’s Developer Ecosystem Insights offer key insights on:


3d design of a phone for mobile developer data

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