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SlashData Team
Feb 63 min read
78% of developers feel the team camaraderie & 21% of startups generate revenue from subscriptions
Our last SoN highlights explore the profile of developers working on startups and teamwork and how developers feel about their teams.

SlashData Team
Dec 19, 20243 min read
66% of developers use open-source AI models, and Industrial IoT leads network API adoption
A look into the latest insights and developer preferences on network APIs and also which AI models developers use.

Brayton Noll
Dec 12, 20244 min read
Who are Citizen developers?
We explore who citizen developers are, their use of no-code/low-code tools, and their growing role in tool-buying decisions.

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Nov 21, 20244 min read
27.4M developers use JavaScript & AI chatbots are used by 45% of developers for problem-solving
The latest software developer market insights and industry data from the State of Developer Nation public reports.

Jed Stephens
Nov 13, 20245 min read
How SlashData improved on industry data collection methodology
This is how SlashData ensures that our clients always access clean data. We walk you through our process of fraudulent response detection.

Jed Stephens
Nov 5, 20246 min read
Take your data to dinner
We look at the importance of having clean data for decision-making and compare it to online dating. Here’s how we keep our data trustworthy.

Lazaros Ioannidis
Oct 25, 20245 min read
Where do developers go to stay up-to-date?
We explore where developers go to find information and stay up-to-date, based on the insights from our latest developer research wave.

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Aug 7, 20245 min read
35% of DevOps professionals are affected by vulnerabilities, Learning is the top goal for new developers
All software development industry reports are available. New data on DevOps Software Supply Chain Management & the profile of new ML/AI devs

SlashData Team
Jul 17, 20245 min read
AR & VR developers are the happiest, Blockchain engagement struggles
2 new additions to the State of the Developer Nation report series: Software developer happiness at work and emerging technologies adoption

Brayton Noll
Jun 27, 20244 min read
How DevOps technologies influence developer productivity and software delivery performance
Are DevOps technologies associated with productivity? We define developer productivity & look at how team size, tools/technologies affect it

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Jun 14, 20242 min read
There are 11.1 million game developers in the world
The Game Developer Population Forecast measures the number of game developers around the world, their status and preferences.

Álvaro Ruiz
Jun 5, 20244 min read
Who are the 5G developers working on the future of mobile connectivity
How many developers are working on 5G and 6g? Let's explore the current landscape of developers working on 5G and 6G technologies.

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Jun 3, 20244 min read
59% of developers use AI tools & 25.2M JavaScript users
Developer Nation survey is the leading developer research programme on 13 technology areas. Access the latest free research reports.

Nikita Solodkov
May 8, 20245 min read
Understanding developers who build generative AI applications
We use developer research and usage data to look at how software developers build generative AI application on the cloud or with low code.

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Apr 25, 20246 min read
State of Continuous Integration & Delivery - The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance
We look at the highlights from the developer data report with Continuous Delivery Foundation on DevOps.

Bleona Bicaj
Apr 3, 20244 min read
The rise of low-code / no-code development platforms
We explore the adoption & usage of low-code no-code tools by developers for their projects and how it is affected by experience, age, gender

Stathis Georgakopoulos
Mar 26, 20242 min read
Developer Programs Benchmarking - What's new in Q3 2023
We compare developer programs across the main technology companies and industry leaders and we look at what developers expect from them.

Bleona Bicaj
Feb 21, 20244 min read
The types of content developers prefer
Using the data from our developer research, we look at what types of content software developers prefer to consume.

Álvaro Ruiz
Feb 15, 20245 min read
From free to fee: Crafting effective pricing strategies for developer tools
We explores what motivates developers to adopt new tools, the factors they consider, and the pricing models that best align with their needs

SlashData Team
Feb 1, 20246 min read
Exploring the diverse landscape of Web3 development projects
In this post, we look at what Web3 developers are working on, based on data from the Developer Nation survey.
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